
Product status

Each product has an availability status. They will be shipped according to their stated status.

Multiple product order

Please note that the availability status of products vary as some have to be back ordered or reprinted. For your convenience, we will group your products into a single shipment where possible. This means there could be delays of up to 1 to 3 months depending on the product availability.

If you require certain products faster, it is best to place a seperate order. Please refer to individual product for availability.

Out of stock

We will do our utmost to ship your order after payment receipt. However, if an item is out of stock, no longer  available or out of print, we will notify you as soon as we can and provide a full refund.

Some books may be out of print, become unavailable suddenly at the publisher’s discretion. In this case, we will notify you and issue a full refund to you.

To order

Over the years, our customers have been requesting for books that are not available in shops or anywhere else in Australia. We are enthusiastic to offer a ‘To Order’ service. Through our supplier network, we have access to an extensive back catalogue of book titles that we are able to offer for purchase.

Please be aware that ‘to order’ books have an extended delivery date, usually ships in 1 to 3 months and some may have an ETA unavailable status. Some book titles are special import and/or have to be reprinted. Please refer to individual book titles for more information on estimated delivery dates.

'To order' books can be cancelled anytime. Just contact us with your order number and book title to request a cancellation. Before you cancel, check the status of your order by contacting us. If you proceed with cancelling your order, a full refund will be provided.

Why are the prices on our website lower than our eBay or Amazon listings?

Selling on eBay or Amazon involves a listing fee which invariably adds to the product cost. Through our website, we are able to pass on the savings from listing fees direct to our customers. Therefore you will find that our prices are lower on our website compared to our eBay or Amazon listings.