Remembering The Life And Times Of Pope John Paul II (DVD)
Habemus Papam, we have a new Pope! With these worlds one of the longest pontificates in the history of the Roman Catholic Church began in 1978.For the second time in only two months, the Collage of Cardinals had chosen a new leader.A complete story of the life of Pope John Paul II. From childhood through war torn Poland to his journeys around the world."Discover the humanness, the intellect and the love this extremely special Pope shared with the World"Born Karol Jozef Wojtyla, on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Pope John Paul II was the first elected non- Italian pope in over 450 years, the first Slavic and the first Pope from a communist country. Discover the humanness, the intellect and the love this extremely special pope shared with the world. "Only what grows on the fields of reconciliation will bear fruit" - Pope John Paul II. From his humble beginnings in war torn Poland, to the rarely seen footage from the prison cell of his would-be-assassin, to the grand and evergrowing World Youth Day celebrations, this DVD will take you through a most inspiring story.Individual Highlights: Childhood, Poland, Attempt at his Life, Reconciliation with the Jews, The Travelling Pope, Arts and Music, His Message.Approximately 60 Minutes including Historical Footage.