Charmed: Season 3 (DVD)
Witchy Halliwell sisters Prue (Shannen Doherty) Piper (Holly Marie Combs) and Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) continue using their special gifts to fight malevolent forces and protect the innocent in the spine-tingling TV series's third season (which includes 22 episodes). As usual the charmed siblings experience their share of ups and downs as they battle evil demons nasty trolls power-hungry warlocks supernatural villains and other sinister beings.The Honeymoon's OverMagic HourOnce Upon A TimeAll Halliwell's EveSight UnseenPrimrose EmpathPower OutageSleuthing with the EnemyCoyote PiperWe All Scream for Ice CreamBlinded By the WhitelighterWrestling With DemonsBride And GloomThe Good, The Bad And The CursedJust HarriedDeath takes a HalliwellPre-WitchedSin FranciscoThe Demon Who Came In From The ColdExit StrategyLook Who's BarkingAll Hell Breaks Loose